Gone fishing

I finally hit Exalted with the Kirin Tor Offensive and Pearlfin Jinyu, so my Remix goals for my pandarian warrior
are complete. I've now, perhaps foolishly, started on the Anglers and
Nat Pagle reputations. I did some quick
back-of-an-envelope maths and I think I can max out friendship with Nat before the end of the Remix event, so long as I
do all three of his secret fishing quests
(Flying Tiger Gourami,
Mimic Octopus, and
Spinefish Alpha)
for about 20 of the remaining 38 days. That seems eminently doable; they don't take very long to catch.
Pre-patch starts the week after next, and then the Radiant Echoes event the week after, so it's about time I decided on who I'm going to have a last push at gearing and preparing to take into The War Within.
I was considering taking Tuixiu, but I also have a hunter and a monk that I'm playing around with; the monk in particular has been a lot of fun, and I hear Windwalker's new Conduit of the Celestials hero spec is really good. I'll probably cycle through a bunch of alts doing the Radient Echoes event and end up picking one at the very last minute.
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