
An End to Remix

Tuixiu, fishing in Pandaria

On Sunday I achieved the last thing I had on my Pandaria Remix list: I handed in my last rare fish and so Tuixiu became Best Friends with Nat Pagle.

And with that, I'm done with Remix. I have about 70,000 bronze across a few alts to spend up, which I'll do at the last possible minute, just in case they decide to nerf prices in the last week -- doubtful, at this point -- but other than that, I have no reason to log onto my timerunners anymore.

That's probably a good thing, because the Radiant Echoes prepatch event is in full swing, and now that it's been adjusted and hotfixed up, it's not so bad. Zones cycle endlessly between world quest objectives and their raid boss, so you can just hop a portal from Dalaran, stick on a podcast, and farm away. I've already used it to level up a few alts to the level cap, purchased the mounts and three pets, plus all of the plate and mail transmogs. That leaves the cloth and leather sets, plus a bunch of weapons to unlock, but truth be told, I think they're all pretty ugly, so I'm not going to worry myself with grinding non-stop until I unlock everything. If I run out of steam at some point, so be it.

I enjoyed Remix. It got me to complete a whole bunch of zones and storylines I never would have got around to doing, and generously let me hit Exalted with the associated factions at a massively accelerated pace while I did it. Pandaria itself is still gorgeous looking, holding up pretty well compared to other modern expansion zones, and it was nice to revist some old NPC friends and spend some time in nostalgic vistas. Mists was the current expansion when I first joined Waypoint, and so it's bundled up with a whole bunch of fond memories for me, in-game and out.

The War Within is just weeks away now, and so it's really time to decide who gets top spot in my Warband. After much prevaricating, my main is almost certainly going to be the dwarf paladin I took through Dragonflight, Hoppipolla. Either her, or my gnome warrior. Mechagnome hunter. Dark iron dwarf shaman? Or the pandarian monk. Certainly one of those. The paladin is the best geared and most "ready", but thanks to this prepatch event, well, they're all pretty viable. Maybe for the first time, I'll embrace the new Warband systems and not really have a main...

blaugust, blaugust2024, world of warcraft, pandaria remix, tuixiu


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